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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

On the shelf for bloody good reason

Some people might say that I’m a cold bitch when it comes to fellas but I’m well within my rights to be, considering the back story. 
I was raised as ‘inherited’ baggage by a man who couldn’t stand the sight of me and whose surname, as much as I hate, I have been unable to shed ever since.  
My relationship history consists of only three fellas - each one now a distant, painful memory of a Sexually Transmitted Disease.   Each relationship ironing out a crease that only a lifetime of dysfunctional ‘paternal’ conditioning could have ever initially created. 
Is no wonder I have developed fighting talk, special combat moves and general dislike for men as potential boyfriend/father to twin children material.  Is also incredibly surprising that most of my ex’s aren’t already pushing up daisies from underneath the patio. 
I fell in love with my first boyfriend (because I didn’t know better), I rebelled with my second (because I should have known better) and I got slammed back down into the real world with my third fella (because I was soon to know better!)
Each experience, despite how frightening, soul-destroying, demeaning, demoralising and challenging they were, equally taught me one valuable universal lesson. 
Me and penis’s are absolutely no good together.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

A strong argument for not sticking two fingers up to singledom

I DO like men, they make me laugh. 
I just wouldn’t want to be with one in a long term commitment. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a lesbian. I just couldn’t cope with a man twenty four seven. 
He’s good for doing the shitty jobs around the house that I can’t be arsed to do (like hoovering, polishing and washing the pots) but I couldn’t rely on him to do it properly.
And whilst he’s really good at eating all the food that’s gone off in the fridge which I’m not prepared to feed to my kids, amazingly he hasn’t got a clue what he’s buying when you send him to the shops.
So apart from that. . .
I’m not convinced at all.