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Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Facebook Wedding Photo you DON'T want to see

Facebook is a fucker. 

Here you are innocently drifting through pages, flicking through walls, when law and be-fucking-hold, there pops up a picture of someone you once knew very well in an image that you wish he would have rather not. 
Oh my fucking God.  What the fuck? 
How on earth can a knobhead like him end up in fairytale wedding photos that I’ve coveted all my life? 
Fucking black and white arty prints, looking all wistful and dreamy like – nowt like the fucking wassock that he really is, the shit.
This man, looking all moody and handsome like in his posh boy little wedding attire is the same man who shoved his dutty shitty pants underneath my mattress to hide them from me and got hit over the head with a hammer from some fella passer-by because he tried to rob some poor fucker for their mobile phone one night. 
I mean I’m all for Karma but WHAT THE FUCK?
Karma most definitely IS a man – and a fucking shady one at that.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Relationships - 0 v Rusty Pin in the Eye - 1

Dear Spineless Twat, 

Thank you for luring me into a false sense of security and then dropping me from a great height into a big pile of dogshit.
Thank you for your ignorance, insensitivity and selfishness, which you obviously couldn’t hide any longer and which manifested itself perfectly to show me what an absolute cunt you really are.

Thank you for reminding me that there is a fucking good reason that I am happier single.

Thank you for helping me to realise that I shouldn’t listen to what’s being said on a date but to pay more attention to what isn’t.

Thank you for reassuring me that the reason I wear full body armour 24/7 is to protect myself from snakes like you.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

What the 2015 Election bullshit DIDN'T tell you . .

So basically the Tories got in because:

A)   Labour failed to reconnect with it's true working class identity.

B)   The fringe parties didn’t even get a look in due to a perverted, defunct and outdated voting system.

C)   British people are so sick of political bullshit and skullduggery that they didn’t even bother voting at all.

The media won’t tell you what this actually means for us, the ordinary UK citizen now the Tories are in control (on their own, don't forget!) so you really, really do need to read this. 

And this is just a little snapshot of the chaos to come, I’m afraid.

Although, if you've got a few bob tied up offshore somewhere. . . Don't worry, you (unlike us) will be absolutely fine. 

When the Chancellor, George Osbourne, refused to detail in the budget what observers estimated as £12Bn of cuts required for his plans for the next parliament to work, we all knew the likelihood was the Tories were going to trash disability benefits again. Those cuts have now leaked, and they are everything we feared.

The proposed cuts (with 'savings' per annum where known) are:

Industrial Injuries Compensation Scheme: companies to be made to pay instead. Of course this then puts the onus on the injured party to sue their employer when they refuse to pay out. They're supposed to use an insurer, but consider the history of Unum Provident and their 'disability denial mills'. £1Bn

Carer's Allowance to be restricted to people eligible for Universal Credit. 40% of carers to lose eligibility at a stroke. £1Bn

Contributory Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and Contributory Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA) to be means-tested, meaning 300,000 families losing £80 a week (and then you get to a year and lose everything through time-limiting). £1.3Bn (Edited to add:) The Institute for Fiscal Studies have pointed out this effectively means the abolition of cESA and cJSA, all unemployment claims will be treated on basis of the means-tested basis of Income-Based ESA or JSA, meaning your National Insurance contributions mean nothing.

Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments and Attendance Allowance to be taxed. £1.5Bn

Council Tax Support merged into Universal Credit.

Child Benefit only for first two children. £1Bn

Regional Benefit Caps to be introduced. Cameron already wants to cut the maximum benefits payable from £26,000 to £23,000, under this proposal only those in London would get that amount, the rest of the country would get less.

Words courtesy of David G @

Friday, 8 May 2015

Muslim misogyny and how it can kiss my arse.

I am fucking sick to the teeth of Muslim men.

If they’re not trying to condescend me, they’re trying to send me and equality back into the fucking dark ages. 

Take tonight for instance. Nice taxi driver. Until I tell him that he’s in the wrong lane for where I want dropping off.

‘You women. You wouldn’t understand if I told you.’

‘Try spelling it out for me then?’ I said. ‘Maybe being a silly, stupid woman, I may surprise you and understand what nonsense you’re talking about eh?’

To which he mumbled something in whatever language he chuntered off in (probably something insulting to women nonetheless) and gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the journey home.

As we pulled up outside the door, the meter said £5.40.

I gave him a fiver.

‘Be grateful that I’m only underpaying you 40p.’ I said to him. 

‘In your culture, you suppress women.  But In my country, women help pay your wages so have some fucking respect.’