I must be the only mother who is actually dreading the moment when their kids finally break free from the apron strings to embark upon their own personal journey onto Comprehensive school.
My kids and I have been cogs of the same machine since the day they were born.
To be able to just be cool with them disappearing into the horizon of god knows how many miles away from me sends actual shivers down my spine.
No longer will I be required to carry their school jumper/pack up box/paper mache models or be able to kiss them goodbye as I wave them off at the traffic lights each morning.
No longer will I hold out my arms and swizz them around in the air when they’ve had a shit day at school.
No longer will I be able to hold their hands as I deliver them to their caregivers and educators for the whole day.
No longer will they tell me that Morgan said a swear word in class and that Rhys fell back on his chair and banged his head on the radiator, or that Jake nicked a Frosties cereal bar from the tuck shop.
But most painfully of all, they will no longer be my little babies.
In fact, they are most probably on the cusp of being my mortal enemies for the next five years or so maybe.
And as much as I hate to admit that we’ve reached that dreaded point when I have to practically say goodbye to the two most beautiful, beautiful children, I have to have great faith that not only are my babies mini-me’s in sight, mind, like and nature..
I hope they also have the ability, good humour and common sense to think quickly on their feet so they can keep themselves safe.
But most importantly of all, I hope that they are lucky.